If this was the picture Kwame Nkrumah and his men had seen when they
fought for our liberation, they would not have lost sleep, gone to prison and
endured all manner of abuse. I don’t believe the Ghana I have seen for
twenty-something years is the same Ghana they handed over to our
generation. Successive governments have fought so hard to plunge us into a
state of anarchy. Our leaders have happily carried the cross of corruption
since independence, and seem to be in the contest of who will outdo the other.
They have always said on campaign platforms that they intend to strengthen one
institution or another to tackle corruption. Ruling parties have been voted
against in elections because they failed miserably to face corruption head on,
inter alia, only to find that the next government is actually worse off. They
tend to rather build systems that make the menace thrive. They create, loot and
share! The mere mention of ‘politician’ in certain quarters will be met with
derision because the breed we have in Ghana and Africa are liars. This has led
to the game being rechristened ‘politricks’, because that’s what they do
essentially – trick us the populace into voting them into office.