Sunday, 29 January 2017

About 20 Years Ago

“I will report you to your mother” was one statement I dreaded growing up, as I am certain most people also were. Whenever an opinion leader in the community uttered those words, I would stop whatever misdeeds I was engaged in and immediately beg profusely.

Monday, 23 January 2017

My Favourite Pocket Square

Last Monday was a somewhat dust-laden harmattan hazed morning, and yours truly unintentionally overslept. My watch read 7:33 am when I reached the junction. A quick calculation led the mind to settle on a motor cycle (okada) as it provided a faster means of getting to work before 8:00 a.m. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Does It Happen To You Too?

Does it also happen to you? That you ask a question and people cast weird looks at you, expecting that you should know the answer already? Have you ever been a ‘victim’? If you have ever engaged me in a conversation on any subject, you would know that it is a part of me – asking questions. I ask even the mundane ones and the expression on my face would be like that of a 3-year old lad demanding a candy. So yes, it happens to me all the time.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Of Perceptions

After a tiring year, and as part of activities marking its end of year celebrations, a choral music group I lead, decided to go de-stress and re-strategize at a poolside in the outskirts of Accra. We ate, drank, ‘socialized’, swam, danced and discussed various issues. We had lots of fun. Some members of the group consequently shared pictures on social media by flooding their walls with them and updating their display pictures. No problem with it, right? It could be repeated every quarter or half-yearly, ‘no be so’?