Friday, 17 February 2017

'Broken Hair-ted'

I’m growing bald. My mum nearly wept when she noticed it for the first time. The countenance she wore that late afternoon when I visited her was one of a fallen crest. “Oh! Abranti3 f3f3w ‘na w’apempem ‘repa yi aa” she asked rhetorically in Fante, in a tone signifying shock. To wit, “a handsome young man like you is growing bald?” I expertly brushed that conversation aside with hard laughter, asking for something to eat instead - but that was a façade. Behind the laughter was a really sad young man who contemplated wearing a ‘sakora’ (completely bald) hairstyle as a result of the hair loss, but the shape of my head ruled that out. An Indian hemp-induced ‘afro’ hairstyle was also out of the question for a young man cutting his teeth in the corporate world. I cried within me on my way home that day.   

Monday, 6 February 2017


In the past week, social media (particularly Facebook) has been awash with some recollection of school events by past students of some secondary schools - hash-tagged #...Diaries. Strangely enough, old students of the very best secondary schools in the country (like Accra Academy) are not engaged in this, leaving the 'allo' schools to do it.… Well, in this post, I share one with you.